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Kid's Poetry

Kids write great poetry, especially if they haven't yet learned to be self-conscious about sharing their ideas. Kids Poetry can be used to encourage kids to write poetry (or if you're a kid yourself) create an interest in something new, the best way to learn to write poetry is to read a lot of good poems and then sit down and write your own. A child writing poetry couldn't be more simple or fun! Anyone can participate; gets the whole family involved writing kids poetry. Make it a new family past time.

We can all write a funny poem if we try. We can all write our own poems and seeing others write a simple poem will help encourage the kids to try it out. Imagine the delight in the eyes of a child who writes a poem about his Brother or Dad maybe a favorite pet or game or place. (The limits are endless in a child's mind) After they read that poem back to you and receive your approval and the families, for a creative job well done. They will be reading "their" poem to everyone writing more poems for others to enjoy creating a sense of pride in their achievements while celebrating their natural creativities.

The Poetry Lady makes school visits to bring the joy of reading and writing poetry to children. She conducts Poetry Workshops to help children create poems bringing a special flair for kid's poetry to her audiences. The Poetry Lady shares her own kid poetry and a collection of by kid poetry gathered throughout her years of school visits and web site submissions. The poetry lady advises classes in kid poetry writing.

The following is a sample of a poem written by 4th and 5th Grade students at Patterson Elementary School in Holly, Michigan:

Ships ride through to carry ore
And when they're done, they pick up more.
On through the lakes of the Wolverine state,
up and down through the Soo Lock gates.
Over the lakes and through the locks.
If you fall in, you'll have soggy socks.

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